It is education that makes human beings civilized. The broad purposes of education inevitably evolve from the life of the people, and in the last analysis the are based on moral and spiritual values. Among these values are general welfare, civil liberty, government by law with the consent of the government, appeal to reasons, preservation of scientific integrity, religious liberty, freedom of occupational choice and the pursuit of happiness.
Education and democracy are complementary conditions, each being necessary to the existence and health of the other. At times intolerance, arrogance, disposition, ignorance, and tyranny have operated under the label of democracy and only education fortified with the increased intelligence and courage that it generator has illuminated or weakened of these antidemocratic forces.
The great purposes of education are common to every type and level of organized educational institutions, whether it be a university, college, secondary school, common school, private school, foundation forum or society. The educational purposes as follows the educational person has an appetite for learning, speaks the mother tongue clearly, reads the mother tongue efficiently, writes the mother tongue effectively, solves his problems of counting, calculating listens and observes skillfully, understand reliable facts about health and disease, protect mental resources to the worthy use of leisure appreciates beauty directs his own life responsibility. The educated person puts human relationships first, enjoys a genuine and varied social life, observe the amenities of social behavior, appreciates the family as a social institutions and a unique instrument for his own enrichment, maintains democratic family relationships and guards its sanctity. An educated person plans the economics of his own life, takes appropriate measures to safe guard his interest, buys skillfully, uses wisely select his occupation understand employment
Requirement an opportunity else where knows the characteristics of good workmanship and resolutely maintains them in his own activities. An educated citizen knows and discharges his civic duties, respect the law, acts upon UN-serving loyalty to democratic ideals, respect honest differences of opinions, conserve the nation's resources sees disparities of human circumstances and acts to correct unsatisfactory conditions.
Education on to be really beneficial must reach the deepest core of human nature and effects it so that a person becomes a better human being education should influence a person naturally,
Morally as well as physically. It is the aim of education to train the mental faculties of the students so as to bring out his latent qualities and abilities. Education also aims at forming the character of students qualities like justice, truth, honesty, generosity, self sacrifice, and fellow feeling or cultivated in the students by the education. Generally speaking education is the aggregate of all process responsible of bringing about desirable changes in human behavior.
Education, formal or non-formal is necessary for men and women because both have their significant rule in the society. In some respect education of women is more important and much necessary then education of men.
Women play various roles in society, so there are many advantages of education for women first an educated women is convenes with her duties as a citizen of state. Educated women aware of the part she has to play in the growth of her nation. She understands her responsibilities toward her self, her family and her country. Women can not become good citizens if they are uneducated. Moreover they pass on their education to their children. It has been rightly said, "If you educate a man, you educate an individual but you educate a women you educate a family". Secondly a mother wields a great influence on her child. The bring up a child, inculcation of good ideas and habits are done more by mothers then the fathers or teachers. An educated mother can serve her country in the sense that she produces good citizens with to earn views and worst out looks. Uneducated mothers or supercititution. Educated mothers will give the nation healthy in lightened and decently brought up children. Lastly an uneducated women can not be a good wife. She will not understand her husband. There will be no mutual adjustment, which is very essential for a good married life. On the other hand educated wife is refined mature and resourceful. She can help the family by getting hint some employment. She can easily run the administration of some property.
Backwardness of the country depends mainly on the percentage of illiteracy. This percentage is very high among men in the world, but alarming low in the case of women. So for the progress of country education for women as much essential as for men. Men and women is two wheel of cart of society. The cast can not run properly if one of the wheel is defective. Women from almost half of the population of the country if such a large portion is denied the privilege of education a country is bound two legs behind.
There was time when it was said that educated women are apt to neglect their domestic duties and lose their tender grace and feminine virtues and but those days are gone. It is how pretty difficult to procure a good match for girl who does not know how to read and write. The importance for women is now admitted on all hands.
Generally spelling education is the aggregate of all the processes responsible for bringing about desirable changes in human behavior change in behavior takes place in different kind of environments there are three types of education.
1. Formal education.
2. Non formal education.
3. Informal.
1. Formal education is a chronologically graded and structured system of teaching at institutions from primary school to university, or education which is provided within the four walls of an educational institutions e.g. school, college, university.
2. Non formal education can be defined any organized systematic teaching out side the formal system for groups of people with particular needs; it includes agricultural extension, adult literacy campaigns and instruction in health and nutrition etc.
3. Informal education has been characterized as a life long process by which every person requires and accumulates knowledge skills environment.
Naturally male and female possess different character they’re own, their behavior, and their attitude etc. One method of education is in which both men and women have their separate institutes of education where they are provided with separate education.
The other method, which is called co-education, is the practice of having both sexes attend the same schools or colleges. Historically it is relatively recent development spared of co-education has been closely related to changes in the attitude of society towards women and their success in the long struggle to achieve equal rights.
Historical background: Plato expressed high regards for the capacities of women Aristotle held that their distinctive function necessitated different kinds of education for them. The latter view prevailed and was widely held over one years. The ancient grace and Rome, formal education was predominantly for boys.
Throughout the Middle Ages, what educational opportunities girls enjoyed were separate. With a reformation came a demand that girls as well as boys be taught read the bible. To achieve this purpose communities in Western Europe and colloquial New England begin to provide elementary instruction in mixed classes. The Dutch parochial schools of new Netherlands provided joint instruction in reading as did the Quakers, who were early advocates of co-education.
It is more economical to operate a single system of school.
Discipline is better in mixed classes.
Including girls in the schools promotes a higher standard of moral thought and feeling.
Co-education is "natural system" as Zealot exclaimed "what God joined together infamy why should separate in schools."
In big cities where there a lot of students of both sexes the separate schools are also economical.
In some abilities of women to learn specific things are inferior to those of man so it will affect badly male student and on other hand will be beneficial females.
Where there is large number of students of both sexes then problem of discipline occurs. Presence of young student of both sexes together may cause moral problems.
From kindergarten to collage great many of our institutions give co-education they teach boys and girls together in same classes with both male and female teachers for the countries of east the idea of co-education is new and our traction do not accord well with it. The problems of co-education should be examined at different age levels of the students. There small children going to schools then there are high schools students, who are at the adolescents stage and then come the university students attending collages,
They are full-grown adults. The problems of their groups are considerably different. There are some people who would oppose the every idea of co-education.
Unfortunately, ours is an educationally backward country.
Only small percent of our men are literate and so for as women are concerned
very small percent of them can read and write this is deplorable state
of affairs. When we consider that nearly 95% of Japanese women are literate
we feel our heads hanging down in shame at our ignorance. It is a well-known
fact that an educated mother is happy home. We must realize the present
state of ignorance and illiteracy among women cannot be tolerated. Every
thing possible should be done to speed up the education of the Pakistani
girls. However to let women remain uneducated is to jeopardize the entire
future generation.