2.1 Theory of subject:

From age-long subjection women have emerged into a position of relative equality with men in certain countries of the world. This process of equalization of two sexes constitutes one of the major social transformations in the modern world. If one considers the seclusion of women in ancient times and remember that this was held to be divinely ordained, the modern metamorphosis takes on the aspects of revolution, was for independence as many women of 19th century were want to regard it. Back of the women's movement these lay such fundamental changes in the economic sphere as the rise of an extensive prosperous middle class and the industrial revolution, which disputed ancient domestic mode of manufacture. Associated with these throughout the 18th and 19th centuries were the persuasive dogmas of an expanding liberalism and naturalism, in the light of which it became increase difficult to keep one half of mankind in subjection to other.

So much, at least must be said to make clear that educational developments associated with are not themselves to be regarded as the first cause but as auxiliaries assisting in the change that place. The economics factions appeared kindly and impelled social changes. Education, at times, was consciously regarded as the instrument of transformation. In general, this conscious use of education has been exaggerated in retrospect many have been inclined to attribute greater good, and other greater evil, to the educational factor then can actually be substantiated. When gentleman oppose higher education for girls on the ground that it imperiled "The social order " they are ignorant or forgetful, of the fact that old social order was already imperiled by other and more profoundly disturbing changes.

2.2 Need of they study

Since women education of today is a protect of complex, blind social forces rather then the result of scientific investigation, many of its most important problems still wait for scientific solution. Inspire of continual wide spared discussion, way of contrast, no one have give scientific anthorative answer to the properly of differentiating the education of women and men and no extensively carefully controlled experiments have been made to determine the relative merits of co-educational and segregated educational institutes. So it is necessary to study upon the topic to try to solve the above said problem.

The actual efforts towards the solution of the problems of education of women which have been made in the past few years offer little encouragement to those who hope for scientific solution in the near future.

To some educators the sole question is how to be certain that women receive exactly the same education as men, on the assumption that there need are identical and to differentiated education is unnecessary these educators seeks a "Normal " women's life is that of a wife, a house keeper, and a mother strives to obtained a sound education for women specifically based upon the needs of this career adequate answer to what seems to one of these groups to be the major questions would serve as solution to the problem as the other group sees it a middle-of-the road school of thought, observing both that it is diffident to tell what a girl in school or college what career in or out of the home and may follow and that in increasing number of women have both kinds of careers, strives to formulate an educational program adaptable to all contingencies until some sort of agreement can be attained on the primary question of the aim of the education of women we obviously can not go farther in devising suitable means for their education this is major problem for research in a vast field of the most importance.

2.3 Purpose of the study

To understand the actual problem in co-education. Is this method beneficial or harmful to both sexes?

Can female get education in better way in separate method of education.

Which method is best for learning of co-education for both sexes especially for females?

To understand the problems of female in co-education, i.e. problems of female students and problems female teachers.

To understand the special problem faced by females in co-education in specific area.

On the basis of survey about the problems faced by females in co-education try to solve those problems.

2.4 Problems faced by female in co-education in educational institute.

Although girls consistently receive better grades then boys through out elementary and secondary school, their grades on standardized achievement tests to not reflect academic superiority. Achievement disparities between sexes have been most striking in mathematics and science. In the pre school and elementary school years, girls achievement scores in math’s and science are approximately equal those of boys. However most study have shown a consistent increase in boys superiority in math and sciences beginning in adolescence (maceoby take line). For example National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) study conducted in 1977-1978 indicated that males excelled in problem solving in mathematics the both 17 Th grade and 12 Th grade levels (NAEP, 17796).

Many differences have been put forth to explain theses disparities, and controversy is on going some researcher have claimed that males achieve higher math’s and science score because of socialization these area are stereotyped as male domains.

In areas of verbal performance girls attain higher score. There are occupational as well as achievement costs that appear to be related to sex stereotyping and socialization. Research indicates that sex stereotyping may have deleterious effects on male as well as female student. Boys are stereotyped earlier and more harshly then girls.

Co-education has made rapid progress in modern times. It was first introduced and adopted in Switzerland, but now even the most backward countries of the world seem to favor this system. In western countries like U.S.A, FRANCE and ENGLAND, co-education if very popular. In our country two education at college level is consider with favor of some leading educationsits and that very soon people will be made to regard as a fine system at present there is co-education only in few colleges in our country. But as supporter of this system have every cleverly urged the commission on National Education to recommend it has a useful system for the people of this country it is faired that in the near future almost all the colleges of the country will adopt this system at all stages.

Opinions sharply differ on the introduction of co-education in the colleges of our country supporters of this view plead in favor of co-education mainly on two ground, one economical and the other the sociological. In the first place that tell us that co-education is economic necessity in technical and vocational institute where it has not possible to have separate laboratories for boys and girls. Since a lot of money is required for setting up laboratories, libraries and workshops in vocational colleges, some people believe that it is waste of money to maintain a double system off education or to stablished a separate colleges for boys and girls.

The other point which they put forward with a still greater force, is concerning the social contacts which co-education provides for two sexes the supporters of co-education believe that of our young boys and girls are educated together, they shall develop sort of mutual under standing, which may prove helpful in their future life as men and women.

Opponent of co-education urge that in a country likes ours the system of co-education is not practice-able because, physiologically our boys and girls became young at early age and their consciousness of the sex quite sharp when they reach the college stage. Under such condition co-education may excite in them the sex urge and diverted their attention from their studies. We should also take into consideration the fact that our youth are more likely to misuse the opportunity of free mixing then to use it properly. If they are brought together by the system of co-education it will up set the whole society. Secondly every one knows that the arms of education for the two sexes in our country are quite different from those in the west. We believe the segregation of sexes in every field of life.

In any social planning the existing situation is essential without which one is just grasping in the dark so understand the problem of co-education. The survey of existing situation in co-education is necessary. In developing country like ours, the importance of social survey can hardly be over emphasized. There are invaluable in community planning and development. Before any discussion in any matter it is necessary to have some insight to the relevant fact.